For Patients

Our aim is to translate our work to patient care within the near future and most of our experiments are conducted with ‘primary’ (unmodified) cells from patients. Therefore, the success of our work relies on the participation of patients and their willingness to provide blood and tissue samples for our research. We are extremely grateful for this support, which is essential for the work we do. Blood and tissue samples are regularly collected from patients being seen in the UCL McMillan Cancer Centre. If you attend an appointment at UCH, we may ask whether you would be interested in participating in our studies (You will be provided with detailed written information and a consent form). Please note that any blood/ tissue donation will not require an extra procedure, but would be collected at the same time samples are collected for routine diagnostic tests- so no extra ‘needle’ needed!

For patients who would like to visit our laboratory to see what happens to their cells, please contact us via the contact page and we will try to arrange this for you at a time convenient for you and a group member.

Beside this, you can find information about
our work on social media: